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Tuesday, 6 March 2018


Significance of Ayush Homa

   Mantra creates a positive and holy environment.Mantras have a subtle impact.When our physical body is full body, our subtle body is 1.5 times greater than the total body. Karana  Sharira or Causal body is more than 1000 times better and more subtle than the body.So there are three types of bodies.

 When a subtle body is controlled and smaller than the total body, a person becomes unstable and miserable.If the subtle body is still diminished, one person finds himself succeeding in suicidal behavior. It is rooted behind suicide.

With mantras, pranayama and meditation, the subtle body size increases and strengthens.Normal (physically) appears when the subtle body is stronger. When the delicate body expands more than its normal limits, he feels he is tired of happiness.As the subtle body expands, it becomes the best, the most subtle, the merging, or the body of sexual intercourse - ie when it receives the moksha (liberation or salvation).

Ayusha Homa is a part of a legendary tradition and is dedicated to a health and lifetime increase.We pray for good health; So, in the last moments of our lives, our eyes make the right sight; Our ears should be properly asked to leave this body.

Together with the clergy, we will honor the innovations (nine planets), and we offer the sacred cereal grains on each planet.He is the Ayush Homa. So in the days of Homes we pray to the magic mantras and the divine, "My life span increases, I can get out of health and illness, and good things happen to me.I feel that I am all in with all of them. So, one person who is doing Ayush Holma with this lifetime and wishes. It is the ancient scripture way to celebrate a birthday.

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